Resources on Starting Therapy:
Brainspotting Overview: Click here for short video explaining the fundamentals of brainspotting
Tips on Effective Therapy: https://psychcentral.com/lib/therapists-spill-tips-for-making-the-most-of-therapy
Emergency or Crisis Support Resources:
If you or a loved one are in a mental health crisis and need immediate help, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. If you call 911, explain that you or your loved one is having a mental health crisis, share related mental health history and/or diagnosis and request support from a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) officer. Alameda and San Francisco Counties have CIT officers who are trained to deal with mental health/psychiatric crisis. Additional guidelines can be found at: https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Family-Members-and-Caregivers/Calling-911-and-Talking-with-Police
24 Hour Support Lines:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
GLBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
National Alliance on Mental Health Helpline: 1-800 950-NAMI
Domestic Violence Hotline: Anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
LGBTQIA+ South Asian and Beyond Resources:
Desi Rainbow Parents and Allies: https://www.desirainbow.org/
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity: https://www.themasgd.org/
South Asian Gaysi Zine: https://gaysifamily.com/
Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline: https://www.deqh.org/
Global Queer Muslim Resource: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vWsmtnWZaoMMWCu4BqVfVqxRI-OvnvN_?usp=sharing
LGBTQIA+ Resources
SF Bay Area Support Groups for Gender Diverse Teens and Children and Caregivers/Families: https://rainbowfamiliesbayarea.org/
Gender Spectrum (for gender expansive teens and children): https://www.genderspectrum.org/
Point of Pride Transgender Fund: https://pointofpride.org/annual-transgender-surgery-fund/
Mental Health Professionals Who Will Provide Letters On First Session: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mQo2vls2x1FeCihQmQ0FftY9x5jEvbHykZUWEijSRYQ/edit#gid=1570017574
Resources on Sex and Consent
Rivera-Azad Sexual Healing Integration Model: https://heal2end.org/resources/rashim/
Workshops and Resources on Consent/Navigating Consent Mistakes: https://navigating-consent.com/
Disenfrachised Grief Support Resources
Pet Loss or Anticipated Loss/Grief: https://www.lapoflove.com/our-services/pet-loss-support
Other Ways to Find Therapists of Color